Just sitting in the MC, eating area one day at BYU-Idaho. Bored, waiting for a class to start so, I took some pictures of myself and also with my little sister to occupy the time.
Okay, so in the past I have been using this blog to up-date about my recovery from a stroke that occured in January of 2009, but now I am doing very well (which I am EXTREMLY grateful for!) I still have energy and balance problems but they have become so minor that many people don't even notice anything different until I mention I had a stroke. Now, I am just living life and enjoying everything as much as I can and so hopefully with this blog I can express that love by showing what things I enjoy most! I will post mainly my fashion ideas (which I am still an amateur but I like to think of myself as an expert, so humor me and just pretend I am knowledgable in that area!;)) BUT, I will also be posting every once in awhile other things I love, like photography, recipes, family, friends, and a lot of anything else in my life happening at that moment so, etc..