Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today is Saturday the 31st. Heidi is doing very well, she was able to get a lot of much needed sleep last night. She has a big day today. She will be getting her breathing tube out today. The doctors and nurses think that she is ready, they asked Craig and Jennifer if they would agree. The doctors are feeling positive about doing it. They said that she getting stronger.

Earlier this morning when Craig and Jennifer were in visiting Heidi she was trying to communicate with them by signing letters. The nurse knew sign language and was able to understand what Heidi was asking. Heidi asked if her roommate Kelsie was ok. This is a positive think because she is doing well enough to be aware of the well being of others.

We will let everyone know how her procedure for removing the breathing tube goes.


Kathy said...

That is such encouraging news! crossing my fingers....and toes...and eyes.....

Kathy Stay