Sunday, January 23, 2011

a little bit of sparkle

I’m obsessed with sparkles and butterflies right now (as you can probably tell about butterflies from my profile), I just love being a girl! Haha I mean ya, if I were a boy I would learn to be okay with it (I guess) but, I am really glad Heavenly Father decided to make me a girl. OH and by the way, this is our last FULL week of January! I am really excited for this month to be over; this month has gone by soo very ssslllooowwww. I want summer to come, one month closer to summer, I LOVE the warm weather. I’m excited! ;)

(Top: T.j. Maxx, a favorite store of mine.)

(Earrings: Forever 21)

(Sparkly Headband: a gift from friend, Kelsie Rae)


kelsie rae. said...

i love you and sparkles and butterflies heidi!!!! keep on posting your hot outfits!

Marie said...

I love you my lovely sister Heidi!

Alex said...

Heidi Jane.
I love reading your blog..and i must say i'm super excited for January to be over as well. one month closer to April :] whoot whoot. Hope all is well. Miss you.