It was about 2 weeks after my surgery that I realized that I was alive and I existed. I was never in a coma but I guess I just never was fully there. I think it was a blessing from Heavenly Father so I wouldn’t be shocked and wouldn’t feel the pain of what just happened during those first couple of days. After I realized I existed I began to remember everything, the dance-class I went to that morning, the headache, the laying on the floor to get comfortable, and then passing out. It started to all make sense but I was still confused about what this all meant. When I was in the hospital I cried a lot. At first I would cry a couple times every hour, then slowly about once an hour, then once a day, then once a week, and then every other week. Now, since I can see the end of this trial is closer I cry now about once a month. The first months after the accident were incredibly hard and I would read the talk, “Come What May, and Love It” by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for the LDS Church for comfort. To read the talk, here is the link:
"Come What May, and Love it" By Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
It helped me get through the days in the hospital. A family that went to the same church as I did at home came to visit me while I was in the hospital. I told them about the talk I like to read and since the dad of the family, Kevin Reid, owns a jewelry shop, he had a ring made for me with the words, “Come What May, and Love It”. Since they had given me the ring, I haven’t taken it off because it helps remind me that there is a reason I’m going through this trial and I need to trust in the Lord to get through it.
Slow Start
1 week ago
This post almost made me cry!!! you're amazing heidi!
p.s. i like your nail polish.
Keep posting your thoughts....they are inspirational. You will never regret having them written down. I love you. You will ALWAYS be an inspiration to others because of this trial.
I adore that talk and miss his words.
You are so STRONG. What a beautiful way to ACT and not re-act to all that has come your way. Isn't family WONDERFUL!?! What a fabulous support system you have.
I'm amazed by you. You are such a beautiful person in AND OUT! :)
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