memories of hard tearful days , filled with pain, worry, faith and hope. Heidi has come a long way. She works on her balance every day so she can become even more independent. Her sister Aubrey takes her to the gym every day to work on strength exercises. She learned that this can help her balance greatly. Daily she works on her speech by reading The Book of Mormon out loud. This week she is going to meet a man who also suffered an A.V.M. years ago and he can give her some good advice on what to do mentally and physically to a better recovery. Heidi will put a more recent photo of herself on her blog soon. We are feeling so much better about things. Her blessings of promise are definitely happening. That she will completely recover. Heidi went to her friend Megan's missionary farewell this last Sunday and her friend Kelsie is getting married in Married in November and Heidi will be one of her bridesmaids. Heidi's new little nephew just received a baby blessing and his name is Blake. Heidi was able to witness this little miracle and so many other wonderful blessings continue to happen for Heidi and our family. It is not hard to be thankful for the small things now. To see joy again is something we can't take for granted.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Here is the latest on Heidi and her progress. Heidi has come a long way. She is able to say anything she would like now with little effort. She still would like to improve on the clarity and pronounciation of some words. She is much more optimistic and is enjoying life much more. In the last two weeks we have noticed much more independence on her part. She gets up and goes from room to room without any aid. She does her own laundry and fixes her own meals. Her balance is improving still and is working hard at that. Heidi still goes to her three therapies every week and has many good friends there. She went to see a neurologist the other day and she had an angiogram done of her brain to make sure that the avm was completely removed and we found that it had been. So the Lord has truley blessed us in the healing of Heidi and we are so grateful to him. He has been with us through it all and brings us comfort and joy everyday.
Either 12:27
"And if ment come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themseves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things strong unto them."
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."
- Confucious
Posted by Heidijanenews at 1:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Heidi was really fortunate to have such good Dr. in the ICU in Idaho. Heidi and Dr. Aplyn have just exchanged emails recently about Heidi's progress and what is going on in each others lives. Heidi's Dr. is from Germany and currently lives her in the U.S. She was one of Heidi's many Dr.s, but was special because of how very kind and understanding she was. She meant a lot to Heidi and the family. Here is a very sweet email she sent Heidi...........
Hello Heidi,
this is so wonderful to hear from you! This is great progress, although, I am sure, it still could be faster for you! Nobody can understand how much it takes to come through this, unless one has experienced it her/himself. and it takes always longer, then you think.
We have a dear friend, was our best babysitter, who 6 years ago, when he was 18 felt 80 feet on a mountain and survived, had many fractures, but no head injury. He went to college in a full body cast, it took him a year to recover physically. And yesterday I wrote him a recommendation letter for his medical school application, he his currently working as a flight paramedic in Alaska, that was one of his dreams, when I talked with him a long time ago, he was 13 then.
Your story is very different, the brain is the most complex organ, we have and a very beautiful one. But your story is one of hope, like the one of my friend. And it is some of your story, I am thinking about, when I see a very sick patient, unable to do anything for himself.
I wish you, that you can continue to have hope for yourself, when it is difficult and slow, when you are in a dark valley.
Yes, me and my family are moving to the east bay area, Berkeley, to be exact and I will be working In Oakland, starting June 1st.
Please give your parents my warm regards, they are brave too.
Take care
Monika Aplyn
Posted by Heidijanenews at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Its been awhile since we have updated the blog about Heidi and we can tell you that she is continuing to make great progress! Heidi works everyday very hard to continue her recovery. She is very determined and we are so proud of her and what she has done and continues to do. She is improving in her walking and her balance is getting better. She is also sounding much better with her speech.Her eyesight is also improving a great deal, but still has some double vision that requires her to focus in to see detail. She is feeling more optimistic about her situation and knows that she is getting better everyday. She is still going to therapy three times a week and has made good friends there.
Heidi was able to attend the Kelly Clarkson concert last week and loved it all. She went with her good friends Kelsey and Chelsea and some of her family members. She also attends institute once a week. She is happy that she is able to go to more places and do more things.
We thank our Heavenly Father Everyday for this miracle that has happened and continues to happen. We love Heidi! Thanks again for all your concern and prayers,
Heidi's Family
Posted by Heidijanenews at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This is a recent email Heidis bishop wrote to Heidis ward in Idaho:
Heidi is speaking again, not like she wants to, but she is speaking. She is starting to walk by her self without the aid of a walker or anyone else. The steps are slow and very careful but she is doing it. The night we were there she showed us how much she had progressed. She said her plan was to be back in Rexburg this Fall and be in the 30th ward. As we watched and visited with her she said "I am learning patience!" We watched as she walked around the front room and into the kitchen, at times she had to fight gravity and gain her balance. After we left I thought about these to things and then came to mind two blessings that I gave her during her stay at the hospital in Idaho Falls. In one I said that the lord had given her this challenge to teach her patience and that her recovery would take time but it would be steady. In another blessing I remember saying that as she learned to walk Angels would be on her sides to help buoy her up. As I thought of how she would start to lean and almost fall to one side she seemed to be almost caught by something or maybe someone and then regained her balance.
We have watched a miracle happen in our ward, what a blessing it has been to all of us. Thank you for your continued faith and prayers, she has felt it and knows that you are a big part of the reason she is doing so well.
Have a great evening!
Bishop Sevy
Posted by Heidijanenews at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wow, for all those blog followers it's been along time since we've updated. Heidi is doing wonderfull, she is now walking to places on her own with the walker, which is huge for her as far as indepence goes. She also can walk about twenty steps on her own!!! She walks everyday about seven laps around the church with the walker. Heidi also practicices walking by her self many steps each day, but we stand by her in case she falls. Heidi is getting stronger, emotionally and physically.
Heidi's speech has also improved, her sentences flow much better, we can understand her completely. Her vision has improved, which has helped her with her balance. Every day she amazes us. She is so determined and has the best attitude. We are learning a lot from her. So many prayers have been answers, so many blessing have come. They continue to come everyday. We appretiate and are grateful for everything that has occured. Come what may and love it.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Posted by Heidijanenews at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Heidi is finally home!
Today was a very exciting day because Heidi was finally able to come home! As she was leaving the hospital, the nurses and doctors lined up to clap and cheer for her. When Heidi entered the house we all were very emotional and couldn't hold back our tears. We had all been waiting for this moment for a while now!
The first thing Heidi wanted when she got home was food. So her aunt Roxanne brought her a yummy lunch. I'm sure Heidi was so happy to have something other than hospital food!
Heidi will still be going back to rehab for 3 hours everyday. Her progress is amazing and she is such a strong willed person!
These are some pictures of Heidi's family and her friend Megan
Posted by Heidijanenews at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I'm sitting here in the hospital with Heidi right now and she would like to tell everyone that she is doing fine and she is working hard to recover. Heidi says that the hardest part about Therapy is having to kneel and keep her balance.
Heidi was able to walk with help through the hospital, she went down the elevator and to the main lobby. She gets noticeably better everyday.
Heidi was supposed to get out of the hospital on the 23rd, but now she is scheduled to leave on the 2nd of April. She was really disappointed that the date was changed, but she knows that its for the best.
Heidi was given a bracelet from her uncle Johnny and his parents. The bracelet has a little quote on it and it says "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; COURAGE to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference".
Posted by Heidijanenews at 6:38 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Heidi had her birthday Saturday! She is now 20. She has come a long way not very many people can say they are learning to walk again at age 20. But she is and she is doing amazing!
Heidi has good and bad days just like all of us only her struggles are quite different. But she's had such a great attitude, Heidi also has a funny sense of humor. She makes us laugh constantly, she always craves chocolate, jamba juices and more chocolate.
As far as physical therapy is going, she is doing wonderful. Her favorite part is the bike she rides, to strengthen her arms and legs, she smiles a lot when she is on that one. Heidi is walking now with better ballance she walks with a walker by her self but some one is behind her incase she falls.
For some reason Heidi uses her left hand more, she used to be right handed. They are working on strengthening her right hand. She works with a speech therapist to make her voice strong. Each day she sounds better and better. She speaks almost perfect when she is mad! Always accusing Rachel of wearing her clothes, sounds like the Heidi we all know doesn't it?
Anyway we are all so proud of her and her accomplishments! She is an inspiration to all of us. We appreciate everyone's prayers and services. With Heidi's determination and all of your prayers, faith and love Heidi will recover fully!
We will keep you updated
Love Heidi's family
Posted by Heidijanenews at 5:32 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
This is a letter written by sister Sevy, The wife of Heidi's bishop from BYU Idaho.
February 13, 2009
Dearest Heidi,
On this eve of Valentine's Day 2009, on this eve of a day dedicated to love, I wanted to give you something for you to remember how much you are loved.
In the weeks and months ahead, you may often wonder why things have to be so hard, or why did this bad thing happen to me. If these thoughts enter your mind, please pull this out and read over the many ways the LORD'S TENDER MERCIES were over you throughout this experience. Here are a few wonderful things showing great love of the Lord and of friends, and yes, of strangers that occurred in your behalf "while you were sleeping".
1) On that Monday morning when your AVM burst, you normally would have been alone in your apartment, but instead you were surrounded with people who were there to help you, tender mercies....
2) Because you had been practicing with Chris Walker, he was walking into the room to check on you when you went down, he knew who to call to get you attention immediately. He called Clint Hagelund, who immediately called Bishop Sevy, priesthood power was put in motion within moments ... tender mercies....
3) Bishop Sevy was on vacation in Utah and was supposed to be in the mountains skiing that morning (and out of cell phone range), but a large snow storm the night before caused him to be at his sons home shoveling out the driveway when the call from Clint came in, tender mercies....
4) Paramedics on campus were summoned immediately and you were prepared to be transported from school. You had passed out but you were breathing fine on your own, until the moment you were wheeled into the ER at Madison Memorial Hospital. Oxygen was administered immediately. There was only seconds that you did not have oxygen, preventing serious brain damage, tender mercies....
5) Bishop Sevy was able to get Brother Bjornn and Brother Bradshaw to your side in the ER to give you a blessing JUST before you were LifeFlighted to EIRMC (Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center), The Lord, through Brother Bradshaw promised you safety until you could get help, and that doctors would be guided to give proper help. Again priesthood power put into use immediately, tender mercies....
6) When your parents and other family members, as well as Brother and Sister Sevy, left to drive to Idaho from Utah, the roads were absolutely clear from snow even though the storm the night before had left 3 and an half feet in the driveway of Bishop Sevy's sons home in Lehi and all were able to travel to be at your side in safety, tender mercies....
7) Your Brother-in-law had worthy and wonderful parents and family who were at the hospital in Idaho Falls when you landed and were able to give you yet another blessing only moments before you were taken into surgery. You were blessed every step of the way, tender mercies....
8) Friends from your apartment and 30th Ward were the first to be in the waiting room at EIRMC. Kelsey Johnson, Erica Snapp, Kristen Stevenson and her fiance, Brittney Chadwick, Jessica Killpack, Stephanie Samson, Brandon Packer, Chris Walker, Skyler Onken, Clint Hagelund gathered at the hospital doing homework, hugging each other, praying in behalf and waiting for news until the wee hours of the morning, you are loved, tender mercies....
9) Elder D. Todd Christofferson (of the Quorum of the 12) was to be speaking at BYUI Devotional on Tuesday and flew into Idaho Falls on that very Monday night. Elder and President Kim B. Clark and his wife brought by Elder Christofferson and his wife came by the hospital to check on you and comfort your family, huge tender mercies....
10) After many hours of surgery, the doctor came out and gave a less than hopeful summary of your circumstance. He spoke of the deep coma you were in when you arrived and the coma you were still in. He didn't know when you would wake up. It was a difficult moment. Your friends held tight to one another and begin to sing hymns that immediately brought great comfort to all. Many prayers by your family and friends were being sent heavenward. After maybe only 10 or 15 minutes, the doctor almost sprinted into the Critical Care Waiting Room and announced that you were awake!!!, amazing tender mercies of the Lord....
11) You responded with squeezing your fathers hand that you were "still with us", and you responded to the doctors requests to move your thumb, and the miracles continued, tender mercies more apparent....
12) The word went out through emails from Bishop Sevy on your condition. People in the 30th Ward (present and past semesters) were notified and joined in fasts and prayers together. All the way to Equator where past friends were working, your fellow sisters and brothers from your home ward and the wards of all of your family were united in mighty prayer, tender mercies from all....
13) The next night your friends and your Relief Society Presidency brought dinner to the hospital for your family through a snow storm. All arrived safely and your family saw first hand how much you are loved by your ward, tender mercies....
14) President Clark and his wife have visited you. Elder Christofferson called and spoke to your mother as he left town. Your stake President, President Henry J. Eyring came and gave you another blessing. Even your recovery has been blessed, tender mercies....
I'm sure there are many others that happened "while you were sleeping" that I didn't observe. Ask your mom to tell you of others. There has been many hours of endless service by the Cooks, and the Jamison's and a little by Bishop and I. Bishop Sevy spent everyday of his vacation to be with you and your family. There has been food for your family, toys for the children, comforting hugs all around. But they all point to the tender loving watchful care over you by YOUR Savior, Jesus Christ.
As you heal and as you work in therapy, remember every moment that your Heavenly Father loves you, that your Lord, Jesus Christ has been watching over you and provided tender mercies that have aided in your recovery to this point. And he has sent many, MANY angels in earthly form to help you become strong again. Cling to the Lord, tie your heart to His and he will continue to bless you.
As he has promised,
- "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, AND YOU SHALL HAVE PEACE IN ME." (D&C 19:23).
Love you so very much,
Sister (JoAnn) Sevy
Posted by Heidijanenews at 9:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Back in Utah County
The surgery to clean the infection out of Heidi's head went really well! She has now been moved to a rehab center in Provo.
Heidi is doing very well. She is talking more and her voice is getting stronger. She rides a bike in physical therapy and walks with help. She still has trouble with her eye sight (she still has double vision).
Before visiting please call Craig 801-636-9996 or Jennifer 801-636-2958
Posted by Heidijanenews at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Here is a letter that was given to us by Alexander J Cowan, the following is a statement about when the incident first happened to Heidi Stay around 10:15-10:20am Monday January 26,2009
I was walking into dance class a little late and while I was putting my shoes on I heard Heidi Stay, talking to another girl, about how tired she was and that she had a head ache. As I finished putting one shoe on and about to put the other on she turned to me and asked me "can you help me out of here. My head feels like it is going to burst." I said of course and went to give her my hand. She could barely pull herself up. I thought she might be overreacting a little so I helped her up onto her feet. When she put her arm around my shoulder, she couldn't hold her own strength and was burning hot. She was so hot that I started to sweat just from her body heat. I helped her out of the class but while we were walking out she was complaining about her head but holding her stomach area. She couldn't take any light at all and had her head buried into my shoulder. When we got out of the ballroom in the MC I took her over to a chair. She wanted me to get her stuff so I had someone stay with her while I went back into the ballroom to get her belongings. When I got back out there she was lowering herself to the floor. She did not fall on the floor, but you could tell that gravity was playing a part. I saw her go from the chair onto the floor and at no time did she strike her head on the ground. She laid on her stomach so that she could hide her eyes and said that she felt like she was going to throw up and she needed water. At this time I could barely understand what she was saying, extremely mumbled and broken speech beside this she had said nothing, just grunts of pain and exhaustion. Someone had come over to us and I had him stay with her while I went to get the water. When I returned an adult was there. I went back to her side. She was barely grunting and it seemed to me that it was difficult for her to breath. I tried to communicate with her but no response, and then she had stopped responding all together. No grunts or moans, nothing just breathing. The adult there was telling me that it's all good cause she had talked to him. When he asked her name, she gave him a different name than Heidi. (I was not there when he asked this. I am just saying what he was telling me) at this time we turned her on her back and tried to open her air passage way. She was breathing steady now, as if she was sleeping. She had saliva in her mouth and air way. I tried to clear it away with a paper towel. We waited for the ambulance to come. When they arrived I stayed nearby for questioning, until they had taken her away on the stretcher.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
To the University of Utah
On Saturday afternoon the nurses at the Health South Rehabilitation Hospital noticed the incision from Heidi's surgery had become infected, they started her on an antibiotic, which didn't give the desire results so Heidi was sent to the University of Utah hospital.
She had to undergo a minor surgery in which the neurosurgeon opened up the incision again and had to clean out the area. He pulled out the cap that was put in place during the original surgery in Idaho, he said that it had become infected.
The good news is that the infection was only on the surface, and that they didn't think any had gotten inside to the brain. But, just to be on the safe side they made some cultures from some brain fluid and are going to test them for any bacteria. In the even that there is any bacterial infection inside the skull, the University of Utah will derive an antibiotic specifically to treat that infection.
Isn't it a miracle what doctors can do with modern medicine!!
We are so grateful that this is only a minor issue, and that Heidi will continue to recover. Heidi's family was able to go and visit her about an hour after the surgery, she was doing so well, her only complaint was that she was really hungry (they didn't let her eat for 24 hrs) and that she had a really bad headache from the surgery. Other than that she was doing good, talking quite a bit and very aware of what was going on around her.
We want to thank everyone that is praying for Heidi, and for all the comments and support that we are getting. We really appreciate everything that everyone is doing for the Stay family during this trial.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 7:24 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Closer to Home
Sorry this post has taken a while. As many of you already know Heidi is no longer in Idaho. She was moved by ambulance, no flashing lights or sirens though, to the Health South Rehabilitation Hospital in Sandy, Utah.
Initially she was going to be transported to Provo but after a mix up with discharge and acceptance she no longer qualified (when she had the tracheotomy removed that disqualified her as a long term rehab patient).
We are so happy that Heidi is closer to us now. It makes it a lot easier; sorry to all those still in Idaho.
At this rehab center she will be going though a very rigorous rehab process, she will be doing different activities that will be stimulating her and helping her to get back to normal. This is a very intense program that takes most of the day (visitors are advised to only come in the evenings)
Heidi is feeling very happy to be closer to family, the night she arrived all her sisters were there to greet her, she was smiling and laughing with them. We are so happy to see Heidi in high spirits. She appears to be happy to be back in Utah, knowing that she is that much closer to home.
Heidi's parents and sisters have been sneaking her little pieces of chocolate, which she loves, even though the nurse have said that she can't have it. She is still a girl (chocolate cures everything).
She is doing really well with eating, she sometimes has a hard time swallowing some foods, since she still hasn't totally relearned how to swallow. Her physical therapist has her put her chin down against her chest, this opens the throat the best for easier swallowing.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 8:27 PM 5 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tracheotomy Removed
Heidi got her tracheotomy out and she is doing really well. She is beginning to make sounds and can talk a little bit, though the words are very raspy and quiet.
Bishop Sevy gave her another blessing, in it he said, angels are with her...before she came to earth she knew that she would have to go through this trial. And that she will be a blessing to many people because of what she is going through and that she needs to be patient.
With the tracheotomy out she can eat more, she really likes the pudding, and she is getting stronger, she can sit up straighter.
She is still doing her therapy (physical, occupational, and speech), they are still working on getting her to swallow better.
She is gaining a better understanding of why she is in the hospital, and she is very determined to get better.
When Craig (Heidi's dad) and Aubrey (Heidi's sister) came in tonight to visit she shed a tear she was so happy to see them.
Sister Sevy came and brought her some Valentine's Day balloons, and a nice letter. Jennifer (Heidi's mom) wants the letter posted, it will be posted later.
The letter talks about everything that has happened the last couple of weeks and all the many blessing and miracles that have happened to Heidi.
Brenda Jamison (Craig's second cousin) has come and given Heidi foot massages every day - Jennifer says Heidi loves it and is so grateful that Brenda comes and helps out.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 8:36 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday update
Heidi is doing so good. She has been able to breathe on her own now (the tracheotomy is still there though). She is doing really well with her physical therapy.
She is still in the ICU and has a lot of recovery to do still, the doctor told us that she would probably be in ICU for 2-3 weeks still.
She became a little more aware of her surroundings today, she wrote on a white board "Am I dreaming", and then started to cry, we believe that she is just beginning to understand the magnitude of her injury.
Today during physical therapy she saw herself in a mirror (for the first time) she just looked at herself with short hair, and just reached up and touched her hair.
She still has a long way to go, but has already come so far. We are so proud and grateful for the miracles and progress that she has made.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 6:58 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Plugging Along
Heidi is doing good, a lot better than she was a week ago. The progress is a miracle. I don't want to make everyone think that she is jumping out of bed or anything. But she is awake quite a bit now, and she is signing letters to communicate more. She has started some more physical therapy, they want to have her walking, she has been taking a few steps the last couple of days (with a lot of assistance)
Yesterday and again today she was walking in physical therapy (she went about 40 feet) but she did need a lot of help, she is really proud of her accomplishments. When we saw her yesterday that was the first thing she signed to us, was that she was walking.
She still has a lot more to do, she is still a long was from walking by herself. The doctors say that she might be well enough to transport to another hospital in Utah in 2-4 weeks, so she still has a ways to go, and a lot more recovery to endure, but she is a fighter. She really looks forward to her therapy sessions, she really wants to get better fast.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 12:11 PM 1 comments
The Benefit Concert was Awesome
The benefit concert was so good, we really want to thanks Brad, Jared, Juan, and everyone at Locus Live Music that got it put together.
We want to thank the bands for donating their time and talents for Heidi, and also all the people that came to support a good cause. We will be posting some pictures shortly.
We are so thankful for all the donations and sponsors that helped out.
We really liked the Staystrong shirts that were made for the concert.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Heidi Stay Donation Account @ Zions Bank
Several people have been asking us to set up an account for donations. Because they want to help out.
We set up an account for Heidi at Zions Bank, its the Heidi Stay Donation Account,
To donate all you have to do is go to any Zions Bank branch and ask to donate to the account and they can take care of it. They cannot do donations over the phone or online.
If any of you want to donate that would be greatly appreciated, contributions will go towards hospital bills, and hopefully we will be able to raise enough money to get Heidi back to Utah for rehabilitation, an expense that the insurance will NOT cover (transportation to Utah).
No one is obligated to donate but we will be grateful for any help. We have never done anything like this, so I don't know if the bank will give me donor's names or not, but we would like to thank anyone that donates.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 10:33 AM 1 comments
Good Improvement
Heidi is doing really good. She is a lot more alert today than she has been. She is starting to open her eyes more often than before. She is also trying to communicate more. She has been signing letters asking all sorts of things, she appears to have more energy today than in days past, hopefully she will soon be able to keep her eyes open whenever she wants. We are so happy to see such great improvements.
Jennifer was telling her about all the people that have been visiting and about this blog, she was pulling some funny faces. She is starting to use facial expressions to communicate as well. By the look of the expressions we don't think she expected everyone to make such a big deal out it. But we all love her and want to keep everyone up-to-date.
We hope to see everyone at the Staystrong Benefit Concert of Friday.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 10:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Staystrong Benefit Concert
Some of the folks at Locus Live Music in Rexburg, ID approached Craig and asked to put on a benefit concert for Heidi. The concert will be Friday Feb 6, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at
Locus Live Music
125 Valley River Drive in Rexburg, off 2nd East by K-Mart.
We really appreciate those that will be performing. There will be 5 bands playing.
For more information visit
The suggested donation is $5, if you don't have $5 bring what you can and come anyways, if you can bring more, that would be wonderful, we just want to fill the place and show support for Heidi!
In other news, Heidi got a tracheotomy today, the procedure went well. She is opening her eyes a little longer and more often each day.
Today she signed (using sign language letters only) asking if she was going to fail school for missing class.
She had more physical therapy today, and she did very good, she is moving her arms and legs; still with a significant amount of help, but she is getting stronger.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 3:08 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Doing Good
The doctor wasn't going to be in until Tuesday so the tracheotomy got postposed until then. Heidi mostly rested today, but did have some physical therapy (the therapist helps her move her arms & legs).
She did open her eyes for a little while, as she does a couple time a day; however, this time she was able to focus her eyes a little and looked around. She looked at her bishop who gave her another blessing.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Minor Setback
As you may had read already, Heidi had her breathing tube removed. She was trying to adjust to breathing on her own. It is difficult for a person to make the transition from a ventilator to breathing own their own, especially after several days of assisted breathing. Heidi wasn't able to maintain this on her own just yet.
The doctors had to reinsert the breathing tube early Sunday morning and are going to give her a tracheotomy today (Monday). This will allow her to breath on her own as much as she can as she gradually becomes stronger and able to breath better. Having the tracheotomy will allow her to speak when she is able to, whereas the breathing tube would not.
In better news, Heidi's stake president came to visit, President Henry J. Eyring (President Henry B. Eyring's son). He looks and sounds just like his dad. He gave Heidi an incredible blessing. In it he proclaimed that Heidi would make a full recovery. He also said that there are angels in the room helping Heidi and her family, and that they are also helping the doctors. It was so incredible.
After he finished the blessing he turned to the family and with a tear in his eye said, "I'm so happy with the words I've said." -- meaning, he was so happy with the things that Heavenly Father had him say. It was very spiritual.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 6:20 AM 6 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just a Note
One more thing that we wanted to tell you but had previously forgotten to write. The day of the accident (Monday) while Heidi was still in surgery President Clark, the president of BYU Idaho came along with Elder Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve to see everyone. After a brief visit they left.
A couple of days later President Clark came over again and asked to give Heidi a blessing. It was a beautiful blessing, in it he said that she may have to struggle like the pioneers did when crossing the plains, but that this would strengthen her and that because of it she would be able to strengthen and others, he also said that she would be ok.
Elder Christofferson also called and said that it was great that Heidi has such a great family and so many loved ones, he also said that she will be ok.
We just thought it was so great that these very special general authorities would take time out of their schedules to come and bless Heidi and to give comfort, they truly are called of God.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 6:24 PM 9 comments
Good Progress
Heidi had her breathing tube removed this morning around noon. She was having a little difficulty at first, hyperventilating for a few minutes. After a little bit of work and encouragement from the doctors she was able to breath on her own.
She does have on an oxygen mask that gives her 100% oxygen. They doctors are hoping to drop the amount of oxygen needed until Heidi gets strong enough to breath normal air unassisted.
We are all still praying and are grateful for the many miracles that have already taken place. We invite everyone to join us in a fast for Heidi. We know that it has been the Lord's hand that has helped Heidi to progress so well.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Today is Saturday the 31st. Heidi is doing very well, she was able to get a lot of much needed sleep last night. She has a big day today. She will be getting her breathing tube out today. The doctors and nurses think that she is ready, they asked Craig and Jennifer if they would agree. The doctors are feeling positive about doing it. They said that she getting stronger.
Earlier this morning when Craig and Jennifer were in visiting Heidi she was trying to communicate with them by signing letters. The nurse knew sign language and was able to understand what Heidi was asking. Heidi asked if her roommate Kelsie was ok. This is a positive think because she is doing well enough to be aware of the well being of others.
We will let everyone know how her procedure for removing the breathing tube goes.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 11:29 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Good News
Heidi has been making some remarkable progress the last couple of days. When she first came into the hospital she was in a very deep coma, she was not responding to any sort of stimulus.
The surgery went well, although the doctor did have to remove some of the cerebellum that was damaged from the bleeding. The doctor told us after the surgery that recovery would be very difficult. Heidi began fighting for her life.
She is continually fighting, and with many prayers, faith, and priesthood blessing she has been recovering well. Now she can respond to questions, answering though gestures and she can now even write a few things (she cannot speak because she has a breathing tube in her mouth).
It is quite remarkable that she can write her responses. And just to note, that the first thing she wrote came in true Heidi fashion: she wrote "I want my ipod." then she wrote that she wanted food (since she only gets liquid from a feeding tube).
She can sit up, though the doctors quickly have her lay back down. Heidi is wanting to speak, and she gets frustrated with the fact that she is stuck in the bed and can't do what she wants. She is doing a lot better everyday and is progressing well. She still has a lot of obstacles to overcome and will need to continue fighting. The prayers are working and we are grateful for them.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 12:09 PM 2 comments
Posted by Heidijanenews at 11:55 AM 1 comments
Dear friends and family,
Thank you for your concern for dear sweet Heidi,
she is making progress. for those of you who don't know what happened to Heidi, on Monday January 26, 2009 Heidi suffered a vein burst in her head and it bled onto her brain. She was in her dance class at BYU Idaho when this happened.
She was then life flighted to the Idaho Falls Eastern Medical Center. Right away they performed surgery on her brain. They had to drain the blood and remove the vain that was causing the bleeding and clear up any areas causing problems.
This was a very serious operation and with very little hope of a good outcome. But because of the faith and prayers from everyone and also the priesthood power has helped her make very good progress so far, but has a lot of work ahead of her to be able to recover. She has a strong will and we know she is anxious to recover.
Heidi can open her eyes now for only a few minutes at a time now and she is receiving physical therapy a little bit at a time.
Heidi's ward, the BYU Idaho 30th ward is holding a fast this Sunday for Heidi. Everyone who would like to join with them in this fast is invited to do so. Heidi's bishop as his wife (the Sevey family) have been very good to our family, visiting constantly and helping in every imaginable way.
We are very aware of the many prayer from everyone, and we are very grateful for this. We
hope that you will all continue to pray for her. She still needs to make a lot of progress.
We would like to thank all the family, near and far, and also Heidi's roommates, friends, classmates and ward member who have been praying for her, and also all those who have been praying for her without even knowing her.
We love you all, thank you so much.
Posted by Heidijanenews at 11:06 AM 4 comments