Here is a letter that was given to us by Alexander J Cowan, the following is a statement about when the incident first happened to Heidi Stay around 10:15-10:20am Monday January 26,2009
I was walking into dance class a little late and while I was putting my shoes on I heard Heidi Stay, talking to another girl, about how tired she was and that she had a head ache. As I finished putting one shoe on and about to put the other on she turned to me and asked me "can you help me out of here. My head feels like it is going to burst." I said of course and went to give her my hand. She could barely pull herself up. I thought she might be overreacting a little so I helped her up onto her feet. When she put her arm around my shoulder, she couldn't hold her own strength and was burning hot. She was so hot that I started to sweat just from her body heat. I helped her out of the class but while we were walking out she was complaining about her head but holding her stomach area. She couldn't take any light at all and had her head buried into my shoulder. When we got out of the ballroom in the MC I took her over to a chair. She wanted me to get her stuff so I had someone stay with her while I went back into the ballroom to get her belongings. When I got back out there she was lowering herself to the floor. She did not fall on the floor, but you could tell that gravity was playing a part. I saw her go from the chair onto the floor and at no time did she strike her head on the ground. She laid on her stomach so that she could hide her eyes and said that she felt like she was going to throw up and she needed water. At this time I could barely understand what she was saying, extremely mumbled and broken speech beside this she had said nothing, just grunts of pain and exhaustion. Someone had come over to us and I had him stay with her while I went to get the water. When I returned an adult was there. I went back to her side. She was barely grunting and it seemed to me that it was difficult for her to breath. I tried to communicate with her but no response, and then she had stopped responding all together. No grunts or moans, nothing just breathing. The adult there was telling me that it's all good cause she had talked to him. When he asked her name, she gave him a different name than Heidi. (I was not there when he asked this. I am just saying what he was telling me) at this time we turned her on her back and tried to open her air passage way. She was breathing steady now, as if she was sleeping. She had saliva in her mouth and air way. I tried to clear it away with a paper towel. We waited for the ambulance to come. When they arrived I stayed nearby for questioning, until they had taken her away on the stretcher.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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