Some of the folks at Locus Live Music in Rexburg, ID approached Craig and asked to put on a benefit concert for Heidi. The concert will be Friday Feb 6, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at
Locus Live Music
125 Valley River Drive in Rexburg, off 2nd East by K-Mart.
We really appreciate those that will be performing. There will be 5 bands playing.
For more information visit
The suggested donation is $5, if you don't have $5 bring what you can and come anyways, if you can bring more, that would be wonderful, we just want to fill the place and show support for Heidi!
In other news, Heidi got a tracheotomy today, the procedure went well. She is opening her eyes a little longer and more often each day.
Today she signed (using sign language letters only) asking if she was going to fail school for missing class.
She had more physical therapy today, and she did very good, she is moving her arms and legs; still with a significant amount of help, but she is getting stronger.
Slow Start
1 week ago
That is so great to hear that the tracheotomy went well! I was wondering when Heidi was going to ask if she was failing school, that is too funny!
So for fhe last night the ward made hot pink shirts to wear for spirit week with the saying "STAYSTRONG TEAM HEIDI" spray painted on them, and we all wore them to school today, in support for heidi!
The benefit concert, "STAYSTRONG" on friday is going to be amazing so everyone in Rexburg should attend. John Allred will be there!
It is SO exciting to hear that heidi is doing so well. Thanks for the updates
that's so good that everything is going well for her!!!!! AYAYAYAYAY!!!! she's definately a fighter!
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