As you may had read already, Heidi had her breathing tube removed. She was trying to adjust to breathing on her own. It is difficult for a person to make the transition from a ventilator to breathing own their own, especially after several days of assisted breathing. Heidi wasn't able to maintain this on her own just yet.
The doctors had to reinsert the breathing tube early Sunday morning and are going to give her a tracheotomy today (Monday). This will allow her to breath on her own as much as she can as she gradually becomes stronger and able to breath better. Having the tracheotomy will allow her to speak when she is able to, whereas the breathing tube would not.
In better news, Heidi's stake president came to visit, President Henry J. Eyring (President Henry B. Eyring's son). He looks and sounds just like his dad. He gave Heidi an incredible blessing. In it he proclaimed that Heidi would make a full recovery. He also said that there are angels in the room helping Heidi and her family, and that they are also helping the doctors. It was so incredible.
After he finished the blessing he turned to the family and with a tear in his eye said, "I'm so happy with the words I've said." -- meaning, he was so happy with the things that Heavenly Father had him say. It was very spiritual.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Isn't it incredible how many people love her and your family!! I remember the last testimony she gave here (Orem). She couldn't stop telling us how much she loved you all. It was a very impactful testimony.
What a comfort the priesthood brings in these times! I hope the tracheotomy goes well today.
Dear Stay Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thank you so much for posting this progress blog on Heidi. This is a wonderful time we live in to be able to participate with you via this wonderful technology.
Mike & Janel Mitchell & Family
We hope that the Trach goes smoothly. We are grateful to the brave soul who is updating the blog! And to all the faith and prayers that your sweet family has!
How very tender and incredible! I must say, Emil and I had similar feelings and experiences with our own daughter. The outcome was quite different, but angels were with us. And still are. AMAZING and TOUCHING blessing were given. The power in the room was full of mercy and love, and we know everything happened the way it was suppose to.
It is continually a testimony builder to me as I am aware of other families different experiences in great difficulty. The Spirit is always there. Angels rush to our aid. No matter the outcome, the response is similar. It is a sweet thing to watch and I'm grateful to have this in common with your STRONG family! It's no wonder Heidi is showing some new strengths through all of this! It runs in the family! =)
I'm so sorry about what happened and our family's prayers are with you all. I love you all like my own family!!
Lisa Bodily Nielsen
Just want you to know you're in our prayers and thoughts. The evidence of our Father's love is evident. May his blessings continue to attend and strengthen you.
The Harr family
You are so awesome! We love your family and admire your great strength. This challenge is uniting our ward family in an incredible way. We are all pulling for you.
the Steve and Judy Christensen Family
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