So, I started training for that 5k that I'm going to do in August and right now I'm only doing a mile and then I'll work up to 3 miles. I have to admit that I am dyeing doing that mile and I'm thinking, "how in the world am I going to do 3?" I need help. I really want to run a 5k by August but I can't do it alone, if you are able to fit me in your prayers, please ask Heavenly Father to make the impossible possible. Thank you so much and don't think I'm going to stop working at it and only rely on prayers to get me there, it's just the help will be nice:)
Slow Start
1 week ago
i know you can do it heidi! keep working hard and i'll pray for you!
Heidi I'll pray for you too! When I was in cross country and felt that I couldn't finish. I just thought of the little engine that could. I would keep saying that to myself until I finished. If you need any tips I will for sure help you!!
JUST DO IT!!!!!!
You are doing amazingly well! We send our love & prayers!
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