Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today was kind of a yucky day. It has been raining a lot lately and come on, it's May, the weather should be wonderful but it's not! My sister's, their kid's, and I all wanted to go outside but it kept raining and was cold so we all spent the day inside. I love summer day's so I want the rain to go away but I guess i'll enjoy it because it's all I can do right now anyway!

My sister Aubrey holding her little boy Blake, my sister Marie holding her newborn baby Ava, and Marie's little boy Logan sitting just below her eating a chip. Trying to enjoy being inside.

Oh, and I really like these shoes! I can kind of be obsessive with shopping sometimes and I'm pretty sad that I can't wear high heels right now, it would be impossible to wear them, my balance is still really horrible! I'll just dream until that day comes...


Aubrey Earl said...

Thats my hot green car outside the window. ha ha. And Heidi did I give you permission to post a pic of me. Oh well. GO SUMMER!!!June 1st is summer for all you that were wondering.

kelsie rae. said...

little blake is so big now! he is sooo cute! and logan looks like he is a good big brother haha.

and. . . .
those shoes are HOT!

and don't worry it rained all over the nation today i swear! so basically we all suffered with you :)

i want spring too!

3+Love~aki=Us said...

Your friends are right on!! The exact things I thought was "Those are HOTT!! I want some..haha"

It's even snowed here in Logan..UGH. Can't wait till the Sun stays around for more than a second!